
Parking in Lakeview can be challenging at times - it's one of our cities most popular areas to live and visit! But using this handy map below, you can rest east knowing where you can park and when.

We are not responsible for any tickets, accidents or to help you find parking, we ask that you read through this, we will direct you to this page if you call or text us. This is a best guide to helping you find parking. This map was created by us, colors will not be represented on the street.Please read all signs. We do not drive so we will not be very helpful if you have questions, signs are your best bet. We will always recommend not to drive, this is a very populated and dense area, while most people don't have a problem, we cannot guarantee you a spot.

We will provide you with a parking permit for Zone 383, (it will be left in the room {behond the door} at checkin - we will not arrange to get it to you sooner, if you park in a permitted zone in most of 383 you do not need a permit until 6pm) which will be clearly marked on SIDESTREETS, main roads will have different rules. We suggest finding a parking spot, then reading the signs. Do not try to stay in a certain section, that will make it more difficult to find parking. PLEASE RETURN ANY UNUSED PERMITS, we are only given so many per month, so we may not have any available.
• Follow the directions on the permit. (You will need a pen to fill out the permit.)

• Parking permits only last 24 hours.

• Parking on Halsted Street can be tricky, and is usually paid parking. Please read all posted signs.

There is a loading zone in front of us if you would like to pick up the permit before trying to find parking, however, you can also find parking and turn on hazards if you find parking in the permit zone and need to run to grab it.

Parking Recommendation

ZONE 383 signs will look like the photo to the left. The map above corresponds to the zones below.
For the weekends: we recommend checking out Addison road (just north of the property- yellow zone), Broadway (just east of the property (yellow zone)and side streets east of Broadway (green zone)If you are coming up during the week, we recommend Broadway (yellow) and east of broadway (green zone) or Zone 383.

If you are coming up during the week, we recommend Broadway (yellow zone), or zone 383. If you would prefer a parking lot or a parking garage, or to not have to search for parking, there is a parking lot just north of us on Halsted Street - you can reserve here (Halsted Lot) and there is a parking garage on Hawthorne and Lake Shore Drive. There is also Spothero, where you can pay and have an assigned spot. We do not have an affiliation with any of these.

Dorothy's Guesthouse

Room Service
Coffee/Tea All Day
Key-Free Entry
Self Check-In
Garden Access
Bag Storage


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